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  • What is the First Thing You Must Do Before Reading the Quran? Seeking Protection from Allah Against Shaytan

What is the First Thing You Must Do Before Reading the Quran? Seeking Protection from Allah Against Shaytan

Remember being taught to start reciting the Quran with Tauz (Aa-oo-zu-billah) and Tasmia (Bismillah)? 

I followed it for years without question, just a habit from childhood. 

But I never asked myself–why did we start this way? 

What’s the reason behind it? 

I realized it’s not just tradition—it’s a direct command from Allah SWT. 

In Surah An-Nahl (16:98), Allah specifically teaches us to seek His protection before reciting the Quran.

Translation — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran:

“When you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.”


But wait—protection from whom, and more importantly, why is it that we are SPECIFICALLY instructed to do this before reading the Quran?

We’re seeking protection against Shaytan (Satan), who is humanity's greatest enemy. His sole mission is to make sure that we never follow, receive, or even contemplate true guidance. 

Shaytan wants us to spend life unconsciously and on autopilot—chasing worldly desires, consumed by distractions, and disconnected from remembrance of Allah and the profound purpose of our creation.

Dear brothers and sisters, Tauz (Aa-oo-zu-billah) is more than words—it's a powerful shield, seeking Allah’s protection from Shaytan’s whispers.

As we prepare to engage with the Quran, we take on one of the most important acts of our lives—one that Shaytan will try to disrupt with distractions and worldly concerns. 

Is there anything more valuable than divine guidance? 

It’s found only in the Quran and is more valuable than anything else.

By reciting Tauz, we seek Allah’s protection, declaring our intent to focus on His words.

Without it, we risk Shaytan’s influence clouding our thoughts. 

Allah commands us to seek refuge in Him before reciting, reminding us of our need for His protection from Shaytan’s constant whispers.

What does Aa-oo-zoo Bi-llah... mean?

Arabic, Transliteration, and Translation


أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ  


Aa-oo-zoo Bi-llah-hi Mi-nash Shay-tan-ir Ra-jeem


"I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytan (Satan)."

This phrase is a powerful prayer asking Allah to protect us from Shaytan’s whispers and influence.

This verse has four (4) key parts.

First, it calls us to seek Allah's protection and to be fully aware of what we are about to do—the great task of reading the Quran.

Second, it reminds us that ONLY Allah SWT can protect us from Shaytan. Seeking Allah’s refuge protects the heart from doubts, distractions, and misguidance.

Third, it urges us to reflect on who Shaytan is, why he became our enemy, and why we seek protection from him.

Fourth, it helps us to understand why Shaytan is called "Rajeem"—what he did to deserve this title. 

  1. Acknowledging Human Limitations: A Declaration of Need [Aa-oo-zoo]

  2. Protection Comes ONLY from Allah [Bi-llah-hi]

  3. From Whom Do We Seek Protection? Understanding Shaytan [Mi-nash Shay-tan-ir]

  4. Why is Shaytan Called ‘Rajeem’? The Outcast and the Cursed [Ra-jeem]

Understanding these four points will make you appreciate this verse more when you recite it.

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